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The New York Conference of the United Church of Christ* An essential element of the Conference's mission is "to empower each local congregation to be vital in its spiritual life and ministry"(Mission Statement). A vital congregation provides Christian nurture; it reaches beyond itself; and it responds faithfully when called to new challenges.
Home Page for the United Church of Christ* "Changing Lives, That's Our Church's Wider Mission" is more than a slogan or phrase; it is the lifeblood of ministry and mission in the United Church of Christ.
God-is-still-speaking* is a proclamation, identity and communication ministry of the United Church of Christ.
*Click on the bold words for links to more information.
Home Page for the United Church of Christ* "Changing Lives, That's Our Church's Wider Mission" is more than a slogan or phrase; it is the lifeblood of ministry and mission in the United Church of Christ.
God-is-still-speaking* is a proclamation, identity and communication ministry of the United Church of Christ.
*Click on the bold words for links to more information.